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Read The Room

 How one remodeler responded to his client's needs and why that's important


About Face

Why one home improvement leader switched his company’s approach from traditional media to face-to-face marketing


Recognizing Green Efforts in Remodeling

Trade secrets from the remodeling industry

Stay the course with your marketing plan

Before the end of the year, write a disciplined and actioinable marketing plan for your remodeling firm

Remodeler builds business with podcasts

Home improvement radio shows are an effective way for remodelers to market to new customers; using your Web site to partner with a TV station; offering "green" workshops

Trade Secrets

Trade secrets from the remodeling industry

Balance: The Key to the Sales and Marketing Budgeting Process

Sales and marketing don't always go hand in hand. How does a remodeler balance the two when it comes to budget?

Trade Secrets

Information for building a better remodeling Web site with SEO; marketing with financing; and going green by reducing, reusing and recycling.

Marketing Dollars that Work for the Community

Grassroots marketing is a way organizations can get exposure for their remodeling company by being active in their community by giving of their time, treasure and resources. This involves the conscious effort of an organization and can lead to stronger relationships within the company and the community.

The Value of E-Marketing

Editor's Note: In keeping with the electronic topic of this article, all interviews were conducted via e-mail and all images collected electronically. More remodelers than ever are increasing their online presence and using technology to improve their brand awareness, keep in contact with past clients and reach out to new prospects early on in the buying process.

Marketing Identity Crisis: Be Consistent

Remodelers need to be consistent in their branding and marketing to gain trust from their clients.

Is Your Remodeling Firm Recession-Proof?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of running a specialty or full-service remodeling company during a market slowdown? How does that affect your approach to marketing, sales and financing?
