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Read The Room

 How one remodeler responded to his client's needs and why that's important


About Face

Why one home improvement leader switched his company’s approach from traditional media to face-to-face marketing


Light Up Clients' Lives

The National Fenestration Rating Council offers several tips that remodelers can pass on to customers in the early stages of the design process to encourage window replacement.

Sell the Value First

At your next sales meeting, remind your team to take the time to build sufficient value in the product/service before trying to sell the price.

Remodeling Survey Resumes

The U.S. Census Bureau once again will begin collecting data on remodeling permits next year after a seven-year hiatus.

Marketing Masterminds

Bartelt-Filo plots a marketing plan that takes the company over the $5 million mark.

Ripe for Remodeling

Despite the building booms in the Sun Belt, new homes make up a smaller percentage of the total supply of available housing than they did 30 years ago.

Independent Living Through Remodeling

With the aging population, accessible design offers opportunities and challenges for remodelers.

Blueprint for Success: Chapter 3 Estimating Systems

Kleinco’s estimating process prevents unpleasant surprises for the remodeler and the client

Remember Lead Disclosure

With so many remodelers busier than they’ve been in a long time, it’s easy to let administrative procedures slip through the cracks. Protect your business as well as the interests of the industry: remember that the punch-list for each and every job on ...

National Home Remodeling Month

The time of year when homeowners are thinking about sprucing up their homes is the perfect time to promote the importance of choosing a qualified professional remodeler.

Installed Sales Revisited

After more than a decade of debate, many remodelers are taking another look at this controversial corner of the industry.
