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Read The Room

 How one remodeler responded to his client's needs and why that's important


About Face

Why one home improvement leader switched his company’s approach from traditional media to face-to-face marketing


Fair Sales Practice

For the past 13 years, Tom Callen''s company has sponsored a booth at the Wisconsin State Fair. Although Fair participation takes careful planning and a significant time commitment, it''s also a great source for good leads.

Rewards of Awards

The Bainbridge Crew of Charlotte, N.C., earned $7 million last year and plans to surpass that amount in 2000.

14 Steps to the Close

Deck America’s in-home sales strategy is a bit different from other remodelers. Dan Betts, president of the Woodbridge, Va.-based company, has put together a 14-step method that spells out exactly how its sales agents should tackle the sales call.

Commercial Break

For Mike Shumate, CGR, of Carlsbad, Calif.-based Complete Design & Remodeling, good advertising isn’t about finding people who might be interested in his business -- it’s about finding business he wants.

HOMExperts Coordinates Handyman Program

Internet HOMExperts home maintenance service from INTEGREX offers homeowners the option of having a professional handyman perform a preventive maintenance inspection of their home.

Remodelers Boost Customer Confidence With Warranties

Remodelers can boost customer confidence and increase referrals by offering customers a third party warranty. Members of the Bonded Builders Home…

Pure Sales

Terry Streich used to estimate the jobs he sold. But as the company moved to a full-time estimator, Streich found himself able to dedicate his time more fully to sales.

What's on my Laptop?

Pat Franz, president of Chicago-based Clairmont Ltd., considers his laptop computer to be a 'must-have' tool. He takes it wherever he goes, whether to the office, a sales meeting or a jobsite. When used in combination with his Palm Pilot and his portab...

Success on the Small Screen

Remodeling and do-it-yourself television programs continue to grow in popularity with homeowners.

Mass Marketing Miscues

Publishing software can be a dangerous thing.
