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Remodeling Spending To Tick Up Through Mid-2025

The Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity report says things will trend up after a modest downturn


The Move From Scarcity to Specificity

The most successful remodeling companies today have changed how they look at sales and production

Help Hiring Help

Hiring a professional recruiting firm can help remodelers find qualified workers. Here's what you need to know. 

Brian Elias Discusses the Strategy for Selling His Business

A look at the strategies that went into the sale of 1-800-Hansons

Remodeling Pros Share Lessons Learned

Social media, a tight job market, and advancing technology give remodelers cause to rethink their companies’ adaptability

Remodeler Fraud: Robbing Peter to Pay Paul

The line between doing business and committing fraud is thinner than you think 

The Virgule in the Middle

Turns out punctuation matters in remodeling, too—particularly when it comes to finances and legal matters

Build a Stronger Business: Tips for Launching a New Year

This simple checklist will help you plan for a successful 2018 

Can You Recover Your Legal Fees?

Maybe, depending on circumstances

Remodeling Pricing: From Opaque to Clear

Four remodeling industry veterans’ thoughts on transparency

Window Company Hits Easy $1.7M Pop Fly to Clients

Is all this publicity worth $75,000? 
