

Business financials advice, reports, and trends for professional home builders and remodelers.

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Remodeling Spending To Tick Up Through Mid-2025

The Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity report says things will trend up after a modest downturn


What to Do With a Client's Bounced Check

You finished that replacement job two weeks ago and collected the final check. Today a letter from the bank arrives: you've got a bounced check.

How to Handle a Client's Refusal to Pay

Once burned by a nonpaying client, contractors will find ways to make sure the experience isn't repeated

How to Sleep Well at Tax Time

Dos and don’ts in preparing a tax filing for your company

Money in the Bank—or Elsewhere

Having cash reserves can offset unpredictable business setbacks or fund future growth


Create a System to Ensure a Profit

If you run your business with profit as an afterthought, it's time to make a change. 

Is It Your Money? The 'Percent Complete' Method to Track Revenue

For longer projects, percent-complete accounting is the best way to track revenue and gross profit

Cost to Complete: Protect Your Remodeling Business’ Gross Profit

Protect gross profit by regularly comparing estimated to actual costs, line by line

Unpaid Invoices: Net Never?

The best way to manage unpaid invoices is not to incur them to begin with. But that's far easier said than done.

No Need to Compare Contractor Markups

According to remodeling business coach Shawn McCadden, comparing contractor markups can be pointless and very risky. “The decision about what costs…
