
Green Design

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DOE’s Energy Star Program To Sell Upgrades

The Energy Star Home Upgrade consists of six high-impact, energy-efficient improvements for houses


Do Energy Retrofits Pay?

The economics of energy retrofits are in the news again. How is payback calculated, and are we even asking the right question?

Pro's Pick: Seek Compact Thermal Imager

This simple smartphone accessory offers a handy, affordable way to generate thermal images

Buyers Spend More for Homes with Green Features

Homebuyers are willing to pay more for energy-efficient homes, according to a study of 64 homes in the Washington, D.C. metro area. The "paired…

Energy Efficiency: Benefits of a Whole-House Solution

Energy efficiency in a home needs to be thought of as one entity rather than independent products  

Building Science: 7 Tips for Blower Door and Duct Leakage Testing

Certified energy auditors all spend training time learning how to test energy performance using specialized equipment. But translating that time-…

Energy-Efficiency Certification Program Roundup

Curious to learn more about energy-efficiency certification programs and related resources? Here's a sampling

So Many Energy-Efficiency Certification Programs, So Little Time

When certifying a remodeling project, it’s important to find the program that best suits your needs. Here's an overview of the options

What’s in a Label?

The Energy Star label helps sell windows, but the criteria used to determine those ratings on that label have changed

Energy Efficiency Doesn’t Pay? Not So Fast

Remodeling experts respond to a study claiming that weatherizing a home costs more than it saves

Building Science: Different Insulation Materials Perform the Same When Properly Installed

New findings from a multi-year test Building Science Corp. conducted in collaboration with manufacturers and other industry partners
