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7 Tips For Transitioning Out Of Your Business

Mark Richardson offers guidelines on how remodelers can make their next chapter the best one yet 



This CEO regularly found himself back at zero, but starting over again (and again) paid off 


Should You Rehire Former Employees?

Until recently, employees who left a company were considered disloyal and were often prohibited from being rehired. But today re-hires happen often enough to have a name—Boomerang employees.

What to Do With a Client's Bounced Check

You finished that replacement job two weeks ago and collected the final check. Today a letter from the bank arrives: you've got a bounced check.

Five-Star Experience?

For home improvement contractors today, a lot hinges on review sites 

Lack of Permit Could Come Back to Haunt

Homeowners are often in the dark about what permits are required for the work they want done and who's responsible for obtaining them. Short answer: you are

Business Identity Crisis

Does your company’s name align with what you actually do, and represent, in your market?

Loving and Hating Home Shows

Even contractors who dislike them concede that success is all in the effort

Subs in the Mix

You’re using guys you know but they’re not on your payroll. Does that matter to your homeowner customer? 

Buy Once, Pay Twice? No! The Purpose of Lien Waivers

Homeowners sometimes get blindsided when it turns out the GC they hired hasn't paid his subs or materials suppliers. The lien waiver in your contract protects homeowners against this.

The Difference: Roofing Inspection vs. Estimate

When is a roof inspection legitimate, and when is it just the precursor to an estimate?

From Data to Dollars: Why Home Improvement Companies Invest in CRM

Industry-specific CRM software is often the first choice for home improvement companies with ambitious growth plans
