Nicole Goolsby Morrison Named 2025 NAHB Remodelers Chair

Starting her term after Mike Pressgrove, Goolsby Morrison is only the fifth woman to serve the role.
March 5, 2025
3 min read

Nicole Goolsby Morrison, a remodeler from Raleigh, N.C., is the newly installed chair of the NAHB Remodelers. Goolsby Morrison became chair in late February during the NAHB International Builders’ Show in Las Vegas. She is the owner of Red Ladder Residential, operating in the greater Research Triangle area.

Originally from Canada, Goolsby Morrison has spent most of her life in the southeastern United States. She has more than 30 years’ experience as a remodeler and custom home builder. She operated in the Charlotte area for almost 20 years before moving to Raleigh, where she has run her business for the last 10 years.

Goolsby Morrison is just the fifth woman to serve as chair of NAHB Remodelers. She takes the reins of NAHB Remodelers from 2024 chair Mike Pressgrove of Topeka, Kan.
“NAHB Remodelers have a great history of strong leadership, and I know Nicole will continue that tradition,” said Buddy Hughes, NAHB’s 2025 chairman and a Lexington, N.C.-based home builder and developer.

“I look forward to working with Nicole and all of our remodeler members to make 2025 a great year for the Remodelers Council.”

Goolsby Morrison has been an NAHB member for more than 30 years. She is a Senior Life Delegate to the NAHB Leadership Council, the Association’s policymaking body. She is a member of both the HBA of Raleigh & Wake County and the HBA of Durham, Orange & Chatham Counties. She is an active member of the NAHB Remodelers in both local associations.

She has also been very involved with NAHB’s Professional Women in Building (PWB) Council. She served as chair of PWB in 2006, and in 2011 was named PWB’s “Woman of the Year.”

“With residential remodeling now accounting for nearly 50% of all residential activity, our council’s role has never been more crucial to the industry.” Goolsby Morrison said. “By offering education, advocacy, and a supportive platform to connect and learn from fellow professionals, we provide a significant business advantage. In 2025, I hope to raise awareness among more NAHB members about this invaluable opportunity.”

Goolsby Morrison will serve a one-year term as chair of the NAHB Remodelers Council Board of Trustees. That term will expire at the conclusion of the 2026 NAHB International Builders’ Show, which will be held in Orlando, Fla., Feb. 17-19.

The NAHB Remodelers Council — comprising almost 50,000 NAHB members who are involved in the remodeling industry — offers unparalleled resources, education and networking opportunities to help home remodelers excel. Remodeler members enjoy a wide variety of benefits and resources, including exclusive professional development, industry-specific education and networking opportunities. Being a member of NAHB Remodelers also provides access to the NAHB Remodelers Leadership Grant and remodeling awards and recognition programs that help remodelers strengthen and protect their businesses.

Members also get exclusive access to the information they need to stay on top of the latest legislative and regulatory issues related to home building and remodeling.  

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