Windows & Doors

Lean Design Blog: Feeling a bit schizo on Fat Tuesday

I am of two minds today. I have two entirely unrelated topics to discuss: A. Show Village at IBS B. Windows
Feb. 21, 2012
2 min read

I am of two minds today. I have two entirely unrelated topics to discuss:

A. Show Village at IBS
B. Windows

Show Village at IBS was great. Professional Builder did a phenomenal job of showing homes and product that directly relate to their readers needs. They also had six architects and designers meeting with builders, architects and designers in different plan review sessions. I personally had a lot of fun doing this and met bunches of great people, most of whom read the Lean Tuesday blogs, nearly all expressed their appreciation for this service and the Village homes - kudos PB!

Windows. Window designations are often one of the most error-prone elements in a set of construction drawings. Windows that are not labeled or labeled incorrectly can cost builders hundreds of dollars per home. Here is what I recommend:

1. Label all windows on the floor plan
2. Label all windows on all four elevations
4. Analyze each window on the plan
    a. Does it require tempering?
    b. Is it required to be egress?
5. Try to eliminate tempered glass if possible - you would be surprised at how often this    means moving a window a few inches.

Wrong window designation is one of the most common mistakes I see. Typically only the window company truly knows what is going on and delivers what they think you are requiring. Do you think there may be some money there? You bet there is.

About the Author

Todd Hallett

Todd Hallett, AIA, President of TK Design & Associates, Inc. ( has been designing award winning homes for over 20 years. He spent 15 of those years working for a $50 million production building company. Todd designed all of their homes but also worked in every other aspect of the company including purchasing, development, land acquisition, product development, and operations, and was President of the company for three years. Equipped with his vast building experience and fueled by his love for architecture he left to form an architecture firm that is second to none in working cohesively with Builders. Todd specializes in Lean Design and works, alongside Scott Sedam of TrueNorth Development, in the trenches with builders, suppliers, and trade contractors. His Lean Design blog appears weekly at Todd welcomes your feedback at [email protected] or 248.446.1960.
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