Who isn’t looking for a simple, painless way to keep repeat and referral rates up? Repeat clients and referrals account for 92% of our produced jobs and 43% of our leads at Rochman...
On the 2017 Model ReModel home, I used the Fastendry system from Deckorators for the first time. It uses black neoprene gaskets with a barbed tongue on each side that fits snugly...
This article is a complement to "Undercabinet Lighting Dos & Don’ts"No matter which type of undercabinet lighting you use, glare can be a major issue if your client insists...
Designers and remodelers put a lot of faith in undercabinet lighting—I’ve often heard it described as “task lighting” for the kitchen, with everything else (including ceiling ...
If you’ve never heard of EverCommerce, that will probably change soon. The company has been the most aggressive purchaser of digital solutions providers in the home improvement...
An installer and his helper just left our driveway after spending less than an hour preparing to install glass doors on two tile showers. They had set up their power cords and...