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PR April 2005


PR April 2005

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Customer Satisfaction

Focus on Four Main Factors According to a study of remodeling customers by GuildQuality, a firm that specializes in customer satisfaction research for the remodeling and home building industry, four key factors affect the customer experience above all others. "We found that when a customer has a bad experience or feels that the process wasn't easier than expected, the top four reasons they list...

Six Key Attitudes to Success

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The Merits of Marketing

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Better than Ever

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Starting from Scratch

"All I ask is that you make my wife happy, or I'll eat you for lunch." Those were the instructions given to Ryan Haas, vice president of Houston Structural Inc., by the homeowner — an attorney — of this 1950s ranch residence. "The owners had been working on this project more than eight years," Haas recalls.

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