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Remodeling Spending To Tick Up Through Mid-2025

The Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity report says things will trend up after a modest downturn


Bank of America restarts nearly 16,000 foreclosures

Bank of America Corp. announced that it restarted nearly 16,000 foreclosure cases last week, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal. The bank’s foreclosure attorneys prepared 7,800 new affidavits for cases in states the require court approval for foreclosures, and lifted holds on 8,000 cases in states that do not need court approval. The bank froze 102,000 foreclosure sales earlier this year.

Cultivating solid trade contractor relationships

Some remodelers have been known to take an adversarial, lowest-price-is-best mentality when it comes to dealing with their trade partners. They still view trade contractors as subcontractors. The good news is that most of these ultimately fail in business before too long.

Craig Durosko: Finally! The Silver Lining ...

There are huge successes as the remodeling market rebounds. Craig Durosko share some of what he is seeing.

IHS Global forecasts flat construction spending next year

IHS Global, a firm specializing in economic and financial information, predicts that construction spending in 2011 will be flat, according to its Fourth Quarter U.S. Construction Briefing. Although overall spending fell 8.3 percent in 2010, the report predicts that gains in the residential and commercial sectors will help it level.

People You Should Know: Michael Luzier

NAHB Research Center is helping remodelers and builders find ways to incorporate smart practices

2011 Remodeling Forecast: Three Reasons for Long-Term Optimism

Beyond the next few years, there are several reasons to be optimistic about the long-term outlook for the remodeling market, with demographics and an…

2011 Forecast: Remodeling market poised for growth

While challenges persist, remodelers are more optimistic about the 2011 remodeling market than they’ve been since the housing boom.

Project Spotlight: The Financials

“I’m not a big fan of ballparking with people,” says Mark Mackmiller. “If I estimate $80,000 to $100,000, they remember $80,000 and I remember $100,…

Project Spotlight: The Element of Surprise

mackmiller design+build capitalizes on surprises to make a successful remodel.

Take Our Monthly Remodeler Survey on Financing

Professional Remodeler wants your opinions on financing challenges facing your clients and business. This brief survey should take you only a few minutes to complete and the results will be used in a future issue of Professional Remodeler.
