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Remodeling Spending To Tick Up Through Mid-2025

The Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity report says things will trend up after a modest downturn


Will Pro-Business Plans Be Foiled by Increased State Regs?

With a new administration, the time is ripe for policies to change. But by how much remains to be seen

Innovative Products: January 2017

New products from Roxul, Color Guard Railing Systems, and TrueDek

Change Management

Instead of worrying about external changes, focus on making internal changes that you can control

Control Center of the Smart Home

In a sea of smart home devices, the hub pulls it all together. Pro Remodeler takes a look at a range of available hub options.

The Final Leg

Year’s end is a sprint to the finish, a time to meet or exceed annual goals

Keeping the Faith

The benefits and pitfalls of making religion part of your brand

Innovative Products

A look at four cool new products chosen by the editors 

Inside the ModeReModel

A look at the craftsmanship and quality products that make this project a standout

Home Remodeling Thrives in 2016

HomeAdvisor survey shows increase in major home improvement projects

Suicide Prevention Group Targets Trades

Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention aims for a zero suicide industry
