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Remodeling Spending To Tick Up Through Mid-2025

The Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity report says things will trend up after a modest downturn


Safety: Does This Worker Need Fall Protection?

A Cape Cod contractor-turned-citizen journalist shared pictures of a framing contractor working on a roof with no fall protection – alone, for thirty…

Digital Marketing: A Useful Checklist to Ensure Your Blog Is SEO-Ready

Make sure your online presence doesn’t remain dormant in the depths of the Internet abyss by making each post SEO-ready.   Not sure exactly how to do…

Construction: How to Build an Igloo (Just In Case)

Let's hope it doesn't come to that, but if this cold snap continues, you never know.

Money: Do ASAP – 6 Smart Tax Moves

There’s still time to squeeze in some tax perks for your business before 2015 hits.

Charter Homes — NHQ Awards

Charter Homes' President Robert Bowman talks about winning the National Housing Quality Award.

Product Trends: Tile takes a flying leap

Innovations like 3-D printing, unique shapes, and large format are bringing tile to the forefront of home design

Sales: Why Consumers Negotiate With Remodelers

Caution: Reading this might make your blood boil.

Management: Good News for the Contracting Business

New home construction grew nearly 22 percent in 2014 according to the U.S. News & World Report

Housing: More 2015 Housing Forecasts

Housing market analysts are optimistic for 2015 home sales. 
