

Boston Antique Homes Vulnerable in Hot Market

The Greater Boston area’s housing market is heating up, and buyers are settling with whatever land they can get, even if a historic home sits on it,…

A Home Built for Multiple Generations With Privacy in Mind

Tennessee homeowners Lisa and Travis Cummings invited Lisa’s mother to live with them and their 8-year-old son. Despite three generations in the home…

Code & Standards: Minnesota Builders Bugged by New Termite Prevention Legislation

Some think requiring termite inspections in the Twin Cities is overkill; others see it as being proactive. Either way, this could be the next…

Culture: Perils of Using Smartphones While Driving [Video]

This is a scary video, both because of the anxiety it raises about the drivers, as well as the danger to which it exposes other drivers and innocent…

Products: What One Contractor Thinks All Southern Homes Need for Comfort

Texas-based contractor Matt Risinger argues that many homeowners and builders should consider a separate dehumidifying system, especially those in…

Management: Your Business Has Two Options – Adapt or Die

If your company is doing exactly what it was doing five years ago, in exactly the same way, you are probably setting yourself up for failure. Changes…

Most American Homeowners Report They Are ‘Living Comfortably’

A survey conducted by the Federal Reserve on American households found 74 percent of homeowners reported “doing okay” economically or “living…

New Roof Coating Keeps Roofs Cooler Than Outside Temperatures

Treehugger reports that researchers at the University of Technology Sydney have developed a roof coating that absorbs less sunlight and makes the…

Gallup Poll Maps Out Household Formation Trends

Fewer young people say I do – to any relationship, a recent study by Gallup found. This means the percentage of American 20-somethings who are…
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