

The Economy: 2015 Housing Expectations

“2014 was a decent year, not a great year,” says NAR Chief Economist Lawrence Yun. He expects existing home sales to rise about 7 percent with steady…

The Climate: Could 2015 Be the Year of Climate?

What does 2015 have in store for us in terms of climate? There are several pivotal opportunities that can have a big impact on the global climate and…

Owner Issues: Breaking Past the $1 Million Mark

No two remodeling businesses and its owners are alike, but their success depends on the skills and knowledge the owner brings to the table. 

Design: The Future is Here (Almost)

3-D printing technology isn’t exactly mainstream yet, but it’s getting there.  A California-based startup is looking to bring 3-D printing in the…

Housing: New Vs. Existing Home Prices

The better bargain for homebuyers may be purchasing existing homes in need of a little TLC over buying new homes. Newly constructed homes are…

Marketing: 6 Mobile Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Effective mobile marketing takes some time and planning, but you can simplify the process by considering how your customers use their mobile devices…

Marketing: 12 Ways to Improve Email Deliverability

Before carefully crafting catchy email subject lines, first make sure your emails are actually being delivered. If your emails aren’t getting to the…

Construction: How to Build an Igloo (Just In Case)

Let's hope it doesn't come to that, but if this cold snap continues, you never know.

Owner Issues: The Science of Setting Goals

In case you haven't made your New Year's resolutions yet, here's some advice from a Stanford psychologist on how to set goals that matter, and how to…

Management: How to be Tough at the Top

Business resilience is defined as the ability to recover from setbacks. One survey found that the two biggest obstacles to resilience are having to…
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