

Remodeler’s Exchange: Capturing quality leads

This month, the Remodeler’s Exchange features William Shaw and David Silverstein. Professional Remodeler’s Tom Swartz spoke with Shaw and Silverstein about capturing quality leads, how lead generation has changed recently, and other effective marketing methods to generate revenue.

Controlling the Sale in Today's Market

The remodeling sales environment is changing. To succeed in sales in this new landscape, you need to become more masterful at controlling the sale

Building Science: Bathroom plumbing saves energy, water, money

Learn how you can help a project remain energy efficient through the EPA's WaterSense program that aims to reduce water usage across the country

Craig Durosko: 12 ways Evernote can make your life easier

Craig Durosko shares his insight on how you can use the app Evernote to make completing tasks easier

Science: World’s Simplest Electric Train

All you need is a magnet, copper wire, and a dry cell to make your own electric train. This may not replace a store-bought electric train for the…

Infrastructure: Manhattan Would Need 48 New Bridges if Everyone Drove

Manhattan has the lowest percentage of people who commute by car (16 percent) than any other U.S. city. What would it look like if everyone in…

Climate: U.S. West — Worst Drought in 1,200 Years

A new study from the American Geophysical Union that studied 278 oak tree reveals that drought conditions haven’t been this severe since 800 A.D. and…

Marketing: 8 Free Sites for Images

 Anyone posting online content knows the importance of a visual aid to engage readers. Images mean more clicks. Check out the list of eight free…

Personnel: Purge the Problem People

When employees are unhappy, an unpleasant coworker is almost always to blame.  Staff collaboration is undermined when management tolerates a poor…

Management: Good News for the Contracting Business

New home construction grew nearly 22 percent in 2014 according to the U.S. News & World Report

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