

Market Leaders Profile: St. Louis

Data and information on the St. Louis remodeling market

Market Leaders Profile: San Diego

Data and information on the San Diego remodeling market

Market Leaders Profile: San Francisco

Data and information on the San Francisco remodeling market

Market Leaders Profile: Seattle

Data and information on the Seattle remodeling market

Market Leaders Profile: Tampa

Data and information on the Tampa remodeling market

Market Leaders Profile: Washington, D.C.

Data and information on the Washington remodeling market

Getting the right close ratio for your remodeling sales

What percentage of leads should a remodeler close and how do you reach that close ratio? Two leading remodelers offer their advice.

Use abandoned phone numbers to boost remodeling business

Using abandoned phone numbers can help remodelers pick up business from companies that have closed down

Remodelers Tighten Up Labor Costs to Stay Afloat

Faced with a shortfall of new business, remodelers have been obliged to make cuts in staff, pay and benefits and bring work in house that used to be outsourced.

What remodelers need to know about the new lead paint rules

The new lead paint regulations are set to take effect April 22, 2010, and that will mean a big change in the way many remodelers do business.

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