

Getting the right close ratio for your remodeling sales

What percentage of leads should a remodeler close and how do you reach that close ratio? Two leading remodelers offer their advice.

Use abandoned phone numbers to boost remodeling business

Using abandoned phone numbers can help remodelers pick up business from companies that have closed down

Remodelers Tighten Up Labor Costs to Stay Afloat

Faced with a shortfall of new business, remodelers have been obliged to make cuts in staff, pay and benefits and bring work in house that used to be outsourced.

What remodelers need to know about the new lead paint rules

The new lead paint regulations are set to take effect April 22, 2010, and that will mean a big change in the way many remodelers do business.

Employees need to have a say in mission

Employees need to be involved in crafting a company's mission if they are going to truly buy into it.

The Remodeling Industry Needs Larger Remodeling Companies Who Buy More Products

Editorial Director Paul Deffenbaugh argues that if remodelers want to get more respect from suppliers and other service providers, they need to be part of an industry that has larger companies so the supply chain will pay attention to them.

Choose to be a leader

Leading executive Bruce Case reminds remodelers that your choices are crucial

The Remodeling Industry Needs Better Data

Data reported on the remodeling industry has never been solid, but it has gotten considerably worse over the recent years. For a nearly $300 billion industry, data is essential for smart, efficient decision making. Editorial Director Paul Deffenbaugh calls on the industry to push for more data collection.

Making Small Projects Work for Your Remodeling Company

Almost every company is dealing with smaller projects. Remodelers Peter Feinmann and John Todd share how they are making it work for their award-winning firms.

5 Ways to Protect your Company from Green Litigation

An attorney offers steps remodelers can take to protect themselves from green lawsuits.

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