

The Window System

With windows such a common component of remodeling projects, and water intrusion and mold such a common source of lawsuits, brushing up on installation techniques is more important than ever.

Bored With Your Business?

How many years have you been doing remodeling work? Do you jump out of bed each morning because you can’t wait to get to work?

Timesaving Technology

Keeping track of all the details on 200 annual jobs is a challenge for any company, but especially difficult for one with just two employees.

Make Lemonade From Other's Lemons

Five years ago, BOWA Rescue was launched to help homeowners who are left in a remodeling lurch.

Getting The Goods

Those of you who don't make a habit of getting to the International Builders' Show should know that this is where the manufacturers unleash the big guns.

Bill Asdal

A former vocational education teacher in Parsippany, N.J., Bill Asdal, CGR, has been promoting technical and managerial construction education throughout his professional life.

Dan Bawden

Lots of people read 'Fixing to Stay,' a study of Americans older than 45 that was released by AARP in 2000.

Award-Winning Tip

Jeffrey Glass, CEO of Construction Concepts Corp. in Stamford, Conn., knows from experience that a great-looking project doesn't necessarily translate into a great photograph.

Phone First

Bill Simone, owner of Custom Design & Construction in Los Angeles, used to spend at least 15 minutes on the telephone going through the fine points of an open position with each job applicant only to find that many callers weren't a fit.

From the Home Office

Trying to make your customer brochure a standout? Why not skip the brochure entirely?

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