

Product Watch: Replacement Windows

Homeowners replace windows for many reasons. In most cases, the decision hinges on energy efficiency and appearance. Manufacturers offer a broad selection of replacement windows.

Motivation Across Age

Age diversity affects motivation on the job.

Denial About Aging

Many older people don't want to admit ther getting older, so try getting these subtle techniques into projects.

Customer Satisfaction Top Concern

According to a published survey, construction companies ranked customer satisfaction as their primary indicator of business success.

Home Improvement Spending Jumps

According to a published survey, construction companies ranked customer satisfaction as their primary indicator of business success.

No Wonder Good Help Is Hard to Find

According to Jobs Rated Almanac, six of the 30 worst jobs in the United States are construction-related.

Tools We Love

Lead carpenters and other job-site workers probably would rattle off any number of power tools when asked to name the ones they would be most reluctant to give up, but the people in the office have their favorites, too.

What's 'In' In Bathroom Design

Bathroom furniture styles vary as much as homeowners.

Remodeler Exchange: The Right Price

There are many ways to price a job, although the majority of remodelers prefer fixed price. Still, some prefer a running account of time and materials. Two remodelers discuss the pros and cons of both methods.

Guidelines Spotlight

A simple review of how the Residential Construction Performance Guidelines address common issues in what is perennially among the most active areas of remodeling industry.

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