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The Pinnacle Product Awards Now Open for Entries!

Winners are featured in our November/December issue, and have major bragging rights


How to be an instant conversation starter

In your personal and professional life, being easy to talk to is a skill worth developing. But good conversationalists are rare.  There are plenty of…

4 tips for the coming labor crunch

A CNN Money article this week elaborated on what many construction firms already know: good labor is now hard to find.  Some find this news…

Socialize this

There’s a new business buzzword spreading like Strep Throat. I’m betting it’s still in the early adoption phase, but these viral epidemics (pandemics…

Leveraging the smartphone for a safer jobsite

Considering the millions of people wandering around with chins buried in their chests, thumbs ablaze on glass keyboards, few would suggest the…

Gordon Gekko and the information imperative.

  Yesterday we revisited the information-gathering tactics of The Master of the Senate - Lyndon B. Johnson.       But when it comes to the most…

Do you have Cool Hand Luke Syndrome?

Why has high school Spanish failed so many students?      Let’s face it - foreign language failure is acceptable in America today. Yes, I know it’s a…

What high school theology taught me about Spanish.

  I attended a Catholic high school.        Nuns. Uniforms.  Morning prayers.  Mass injected into random school days.       And theology classes…

Thinking outside the bun (and the punchlist).

  Pop quiz!   Since we know you didn’t study, we’ll keep it brief. Only two questions, graded on the curve.   Ok, ok, ok… Yes. One of them can be…

Why Hispanics on your job don’t speak English… to you.

  People like to be recognized for their skills.     The holiday season, chock-full of family time, is a great atmosphere for positive recognition…

How stereotypes hinder effective communication… and clean cabinets.

  It was the typical Fourth Quarter Push.      We all knew the drill. Well, most of us did.            It was 2006, back before the meltdown. Back…
