

Tiny, but not without charm

There’s a 1920 California bungalow for sale in Los Angeles that is tiny (480 square feet) and expensive ($449,000) … and yet, very appealing. The…

Schnellenbergerize yourself

  College football fans forget the Miami Hurricanes program was nearly dropped. No, not because of the cheating and lying and the 1995 SI cover.  …

Gold Nugget winners take aim at the McMansion

An article that was published in The Atlantic a couple of weeks ago got me thinking about McMansions, which were ubiquitous during the housing bubble…

Remodeler rebuilds own home following Hurricane Sandy

It’s been seven months since Hurricane Sandy slammed the Mid-Atlantic and New England shorelines. Sadly, for most Americans, the storm has become a…

Further reflections on design leadership

I recently read an article written by Bill Lurz, a former colleague at Professional Builder. Bill is now editor-in-chief of AvidBuilder.com. If you’…

Employee satisfaction, strategic awareness, and innovation

More employees quit their jobs and the dramatic impact of a new yogurt company! These two stories over the past few days reminded me of the value of…

Buy it now book recommendation: Ctrl Alt Delete by Mitch Joel

  I’ve been enjoying the Chicago Blackhawks run to the Stanley Cup Finals. I went to a party last week where a friend, Bobby Krueger, owner of MAVREK…

To get attention, B_R_E_A_K the pattern

  Two teachers start their respective 8 am classes.  Both classes have talkative students.      Teacher Uno raises his voice, demanding the unruly…

More consumers getting on board with net-zero homes

Whenever I come across an article in the Wall Street Journal touting some new-home trend, I see it as a sign of mass appeal. Take the story in the…

Servant leadership

Servant leadership emphasizes an increased service to others, a holistic approach, promoting a sense of community and the sharing of power in…
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