
A Preferred Contractor Program is Right For Your Company If:

Sept. 1, 2004
Additional Information
Profiting From Preferred Contracting Programs
The Programs

1. The program admits only proven, respected contractors.
2. It limits the number of participants in a market area.
3. The company Web site identifies preferred contractors or gives them an edge in lead allocation.
4. Your company needs and will actually use the membership benefits.
5. The program offers members exclusive product lines, extended warranties and customized promotional tools.
6. The company provides ongoing education in products, installation, sales and other business disciplines.
7. The company is known and respected by consumers.
8. The company is established and stable.
9. The products are high in quality, requiring few callbacks.
10. The products fit your market niche.
11. The products complement others that your company uses.
12. The products are readily available in your area.
13. The products carry strong warranties, and the company stands behind them.
14. The distributor, warehouse and manufacturer rep are reachable and responsive.
15. The company backs its products - and its preferred contractors - with fast, reliable service.

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