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3 Areas Successful Remodelers Focus On

Industry advisor Mark Richardson shares what separates the losing from the winning in today’s market


Facebook 101: Deleting Mistakenly Sent Messages

It's a nightmare scenario. But when it happens, you'll be ready.

Why Remodeling?

When times get tough, it helps to remember what’s good about the industry

3 Signs It’s Time to Turn Away a Client

Taking on the wrong remodeling job can hurt your profits and company morale. But how do you know when a project isn’t a good fit?

An Invisible Threat

How remodelers can better protect themselves against cyber threats

Toss and Catch

The larger the management team, the more latency there is in the network. Success depends  on the people, the systems they use, and how often they use them.

A Too-Common Story

Many great project managers are unprepared to run a business

Self-Generated Leads

Supersize your success by creating a process for SGLs with your sales team

A New Showroom

A leading remodeler discusses the planning that went into the company’s new showroom

Handing Over the Reins

You’re ready to sell part of your remodeling business, and an employee is interested in buying. But where do you start?

Filling an Empty Birdcage

Why is it that one salesperson is better at selling kitchens while another is stronger with additions? The answer is rooted in science, and understanding how it works can help strengthen any team.
