

How to Build a Marketing Budget That Fits Your Company Just Right

Despite what you may have heard, when it comes to your marketing plan and budget, there's no one-size-fits-all solution

Got the Business Planning Blues? It's Time to Sing a New Song

Not having a business plan doesn’t mean you’re failing. But it could mean that you aren’t being as successful as you could be.

Housing: Case-Shiller National House Price Index Increased 4.6 Percent Year-over-Year in December

According to the S&P/Case-Shiller monthly home price index for December, house prices increased by 4.6 percent year-over-year. The report says…

Sales: 7 Steps to Sales Success

Here’s a motivational slideshow for your sales endeavors, based on Inc.com contributing editor and professional speaker Geoffrey James’ “7 Daily…

Management: Business Skills the Kitchen Can Teach You

Kitchens are wonderful places to be creative, to help the kids with homework, or to unwind with family and friends. But there is also a lot you can…

Marketing: 21 Helpful Marketing Blogs

If you're looking for resources to improve  your remodeling business’ online presence, the tutorials and guides in these 21 blogs should help. “This…

Tools: Reusable Screws for Construction

Whether you are a remodeler or someone serving a hurricane-prone area looking for solutions, these reusable screws can come in handy. Manufactured by…

Customer Service: A Satisfied Customer Is the Best Marketing Tool

Digital Spark Marketing founder Mike Schoultz shares four personal experiences where he received superb customer service. “Think I would talk about…

Design: As Designers, Are We Honest in Our Business Dealings?

Remodeling business coach Ron Preston poses the question: How ethical is it to market a freebie in our service when the cost for it was recouped by…

Housing: Existing Home Sales Decline in January

The National association of Realtors reports that existing-home sales declined in January to their lowest rate in nine months.    The Northeast…
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