

Election Results Could Affect State-Led Foreclosure Investigation

The results of Tuesday’s elections could have a major effect on the 50-state probe into the country’s foreclosure issues. Two of the investigation’s key proponents, Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray and Florida Rep. Alan Grayson, lost their bids for re-election, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal.

U.S. Homeownership at Lowest in Over a Decade

The U.S. homeownership rate is at its lowest level since 1999, said a report by the Wall Street Journal. According to the Census Bureau, 66.9 percent of households owned their homes. In 1999, the rate was 66.7 percent.

Americans Less Likely to Spend on Home Improvement When Home Prices are Low

American homeowners may not spend significantly on home improvements in the near future, according to report by the Wall Street Journal. Americans tend to spend more on home improvement as home prices rise, since they are likely to see a return on their investments.

Project Spotlight: The Financials

When many contractors around the country are struggling to stay in business, Tod and Kristin Sakai have seen their three-year-old design/build company, Sockeye Homes, grow robustly. They expect Sockeye sales volume this year to nearly double 2009’s volume, reaching $2.5 million.

Project Spotlight: Home Remodel Right on the Money

Precise systems and good listening deliver dazzling project at a practical price

A New Voice for Remodelers in Washington

New NARI lobbyist Tom Sullivan talks about what he’ll be doing for the remodeling industry

Kitchen Remodels Still Big Business, Survey Shows

More remodelers are getting a major portion of business from kitchen work, survey says

Green Remodels That Sell

Efficiency, return on investment keys to making sustainable remodeling work for homeowners

Energy Audits: Remodeling Profit Center vs. Loss Leader

Energy audits are one of the popular cure-alls in the remodeling industry these days as firms look for new ways to capture business.
Some remodelers are opting to use them as a loss leader, while others are finding the audits a way to generate profit and drive more work.

Preparing Your Remodeling Company for Sale

Coming up with an exit strategy is never easy. What do you need to do to successfully sell your business? Professional Remodeler’s Jud Mostenbocker (who sold his own company to his son) talked to radio host and former remodeler Rosie Romero, who sold his firm in 2002 to a group of employees, and Chuck Solomon, who is preparing to sell his company.

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