

Moisture Damage Prompts Remodel

Keeping up with the neighbors took on a whole new meaning while Nan and Mark Remme prepared their wooded enclave outside Minneapolis for sale. The homeowner had the 1993 house inspected, only to discover moisture damage behind the stucco siding. Alarmed, owners of neighboring 1993 stucco houses erected by the same builder hired a testing company to examine their houses.

Healthy Partnerships with Remodeling Firms

Regardless of the size of your remodeling company, everyone benefits from healthy partnerships: owners, suppliers and clients alike.

Remodeling Trade Secrets

Information about paperless timesheets; using technology to keep clients up-to-date; and communicating with trade contractors.

Recruiting 'A' Players

Four tips to help remodeling firms find motivated employees.

Aim for Steady Improvement

Tips to help remodeling companies grow and improve their business.

Remodeling's Market Leaders 2007

The 2007 Market Leaders list highlights the top remodelers in 20 of the largest U.S. remodeling markets in what will be an annual feature in Professional Remodeler.

Vintage Victorian Remodel

A three-story addition (basement, first floor and second floor) designed to give a family modern living space.

Home Theater Basement Remodel

Turning a finished basement into casual entertaining space with a featured home theater. The owners of this Chester, N.J., home had always planned on upgrading their basement.

Residential vs. Commercial

In a down market, some remodeling firms will look for commercial projects to keep their employees working and to beef up the bottom line.

Center of Attention

For more than two years, Allen Arsenault had watched a prime lot sit on the market as buyers were scared off by the deteriorated vacant building. "It was a sweetheart of a location on one of the busiest roads in town," says Arsenault, the owner of New England Design & Remodeling of Northborough, Mass.

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