

Rock Solid

Granite countertops have advantages and disadvantates over laminates.

Cash Flow Analysis

This sidebar for 'Too Close For Comfort' analyzes in detail the financial elements of one remodeler's sunroom addition.

Customer Comments

This sidebar for 'Too Close for Comfort' highlights the customers' perspective on the work done for their sunroom addition.

Project Spotlight: Too Close for Comfort

One remodeler recovers after a sunroom addition leaves him in the red.

Laminate Deck Boards Debut

Columbia Flooring's three laminate deck boards debut.

Web Watch

OSI's colormatching tools, the EPA, and the National Tile Roofing Manfacturer's Associations websites are reviewed here, among others.

Peachtree Purchase

Peachtree purchased by Nortek, Inc.

How to Choose Gas Fireplaces

This article outlines market trends in gas fireplaces, focusing on an increased use in direct-vent and vent-free units.

Top Fireplace Locations

This sidebar lists the top areas homeowners want fireplaces.

Lead Tracking

Mike Miller offers advice to his fellow remodelers on how to track leads effciently.

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