

Sexism and Remodeling

Until we rehabilitate our industry’s sexist reputation, it will be hard to attract women to our vocation

Not to Be Ignored: Sexual Harassment

Tolerating or ignoring sexual harassment could toxify your workplace and set you up for a lawsuit

What 50 Grand Buys

The more detailed and transparent you are in your bid, the more likely you are to get a signature on a contract

Cersaie 2017: Worth the Trip

Am I recommending you get on a plane and fly to Italy to look at tile? Yes. 

Tooling Around—Why Early Adopters Have the Upper Hand

As technology innovations proliferate, those who use them first will win

Window Sales and the Art of the Partial

When it comes to selling windows, some companies believe something is better than nothing

Success Habit: Teach It

Three steps to mastering something new: Learn it, do it, then teach it

Construction Project Bids: Transparency and the Numbers Game

On home improvement estimates, feeling ripped off, and transparency

Build a Stronger Business: Tips for Launching a New Year

This simple checklist will help you plan for a successful 2018 

What Things Cost—Home Improvement Sales Are Retail-ish

When it comes to selling, home improvement is a retail business, with one important difference

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