

The Value of Thank You

A lesson in taking time out of a busy schedule to offer thanks

In Marketing, Know Your Base 

Before you go broad, go deep

The Best Laid Plans

When business succession plans don't pan out as expected

No More Touchy-Feely

Nailing on a roof is not all that complicated, so why do we need all this technology?

Measuring Up

The trend toward more frequent, more subjective employee appraisals begs the question: What should you be measuring?

Money Talk

Why it's so hard for remodelers to talk about money, and tips for getting over it 

The One-Click Future

One bold prediction says that in the next five years, half of exterior replacement sales will be completed remotely

Memorable Marketing

The whys and hows of using storytelling to emotionally connect with homeowners 

5 Home Upgrades to Tempt Buyers

A look at the home features and styles that matter most to homebuyers

Just An Order Taker

What homeowners want to know today is why your product is worth their money. The rest is baloney.

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