

Mental blocks to creativity

Often the main block to creativity is actually a mental block. Thoughts or comments such as these can stop creativity in its tracks. Im not creative…

Don't let your ego get in the way of cost savings

Talking to builders today about improving the cost and efficiency can be an interesting proposition. When the topic is directed to managing a better…

How consistent is your business?

When was the last time you did some walk arounds in your business, asked your customer service or construction teams some basic questions, spoke to…

Avoiding the hard housing questions

One of the most depressing/astounding/frustrating things about the current race for president has been the complete lack of attention to housing. The…

The Lean & Green Blog: Lessons NOT Learned

The building industry, unfortunately, continues to make the same mistakes over and over again. Green building remains one of the most talked about…

The Lean Design Blog: Floor plan renderings? That's whack!

Last week I nagged you about elevation renderings, this week the focus is on floor plan renderings. Floor plan renderings are an easy way to stand…

The Lean Building Blog: Nothing left to take away?

If asked, I would be hard-pressed to pick a favorite author, but if forced to choose just one I would go with Antoine St. Exupery. St. Ex, as he is…

Home Building and the Ultra Marathon

The idea of running a 100 mile race ten years ago was as inconceivable and foreign to me as the possibility of a 6 year real estate crash.  As it…

Why most Builders are stating they can't find the right talent

In the Wall Street Journal on 10/24 an article was published indicating that 52% of US companies were reporting major difficulty in filling jobs. 47…

Tips on how renderings can sell the home — not the house

Traveling around the country I see a lot of renderings - most of them leave a whole lot to be desired. The worst are the black and white CAD drawings…
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