

A supplier never forgets

In the past month I have had the opportunity to present to and spend time with two different groups of 25 successful, independent lumber &…

How to lower your fixed payroll cost by at least 40%

Recently, there has been a lot of press about football player’s compensation. Specifically, many of the new contracts written for superstar quarter…

Title here

  Jane McNamara is a tech-savvy CEO of a non-profit agency in Michigan. In February of this year, she bought a second home in Florida from Bonita…

Honest wrong beliefs or just pig-headedness?

Both my grandfathers were self-made men who did well during the Great Depression and retired quite comfortably, if not wealthy by today’s standards.…

Help for Haiti

I have been fortunate enough to be working with Jeff Rutt and Matt Collins from Keystone Custom Homes, Perry Bigelow from Bigelow Homes, and several…

72% of home building employee's indicate they would resign if an employment alternative existed !

I recently conducted an online survey of over 1200 home building employees. The survey asked the question,” If the US market was good today, would…

The Great Pyramid and Pantheon: ancient construction quality

In a recent discussion regarding the impact of quality on the ASQ Design & Construction Division Linkedin Group, a member made the comment that ‘…

Misunderstood communication issues will derail your business strategies

In every industry I have worked in, Communication seems to be the common denominator, of dysfunctionality. We write books about, train our leaders on…

Get to the point: Clarifying structural loads on construction drawings

Eric Tiffin our magically talented Project Manager brought up the idea of writing about point loads this week. My first thought was that there may…

What I learned about the future of housing

You know that phenomenon where you hear a reasonable sounding, logical guy armed with facts that presents an convincing analysis of a problem and his…
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