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Remodeling Spending To Tick Up Through Mid-2025

The Leading Indicator of Remodeling Activity report says things will trend up after a modest downturn


Labor Shortage Spurs Colo. to Take Action

Using legislation to help ease the skilled labor shortage

Ready for a Recession?

Some economists suggest the U.S. is overdue for a downturn. Here are key steps to take to prepare your company in case they’re right.  

Business Changes Under the Trump Administration

The effect of announced plans to change or eliminate the Affordable Care Act, scale back taxes, and rein in OSHA enforcement will likely not be seen right away

Gender Wage Gap Shrinking

Women remodelers earning 3.6 percent weekly more than men

Millennials Aren't Only Generation Moving Back in With Parents

Recent research finds that more and more adults—in every age category—are staying or returning home. What will that mean for housing?

Energy Efficiency Doesn’t Pay? Not So Fast

Remodeling experts respond to a study claiming that weatherizing a home costs more than it saves

Existing Home Sales Boom Reaches 5.5-Year High

First-time buyers stepped up their purchases and sellers put more homes on the market this past month, pushing existing homes sales to reach their…

Most Americans Think We’re Still in the Housing Crisis

A majority of Americans are pessimistic about buying a home

Economy: Existing Home Sales Activity Picks Up in North America

Strength in the existing home sale sector is good news for remodelers

Culture: The Wealthiest ZIP Codes in America

The richest Americans are in New York City
