

Design: Beyond the Triangle

Rather than be part of the “good enough” majority, why not make a push to move up? 

Marketing: Leverage What's Working

Make sure you know where most of your leads come from, then find ways to use other marketing channels to reinforce that prime source

Early Drone Adopters Wait and See

Lack of clear rules continues to inhibit robotic aircraft use among home improvement companies

Top 10 Trends for Residential Landscape Design in 2016

Sustainable design is the big trend for residential landscapes, according to the 2016 Residential Landscape Architecture Trends Survey

HVAC Hacks and Other Screwups

Think you've seen it all when it comes to messed-up HVAC installations?

Boom Town Is Falling Down

Ten years after a historic building frenzy, remodelers are seeing more and more defective new homes

Phoenix Guest House: From Utilitarian to Unique

How architect Andy Byrnes transformed an unremarkable horse barn into an exquisite guest house

The Right Way to Light a Kitchen

It turns out that old-school lighting theory doesn’t work so well in practice. Here are some more effective kitchen lighting solutions

How Many Leads Are Enough?

The number of leads you need depends on how well prospects are screened, how many sales you close, the average size of those sales, and your revenue target 

Vacation: All I Ever Wanted, All I Ever Needed

Don’t keep putting off that vacation. Instead, plan for it, then do it. Your business and employees will thank you.

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