

Everything People Think They Know About Building With Wood Is Wrong

A recent story in the Guardian about tall wood structures attracted a bunch of reader comments that illustrate just how much misinformation about wood is floating around out there.

2015's 10 Most Unusual Construction Stories

The folks at Constructiondive.com have been keeping track of odd, off-beat, and just plain strange construction stories.

Should You Offer a Lifetime Warranty?

Have you ever considered offering a lifetime warranty? It’s not as crazy as it sounds. In fact, if you do it right, it’s a revenue generator

Warranty Woes for Homeowner-Supplied Products

Offering product advice to homeowners could create liability for the remodeler


Zero Tolerance for Substance Abusers? Not Always

Studies show that substance abuse is higher in construction than in almost any other industry. That's one more reason why every company should have a policy.

Battle of the Brands

Marketing gurus say branding campaigns are a waste of money for small companies. But branding is how some small home improvement companies got big

Fed Raises Interest Rate

The rate hike will affect mortgages as well as savings accounts, but the effects are expected to be gradual over the next several years

Aging Workforce Compounds Skilled Labor Problem

Construction hiring is up, but the know-how needed to train newcomers is tied to an aging workforce.

5 Tools to Measure Online Impact

A website alone is no longer enough to push your site toward the top of search engine rankings—you need a big, positive social presence. 

Model ReModel Interior Tour

A closer look at the kitchen and bath of the 2015 Model ReModel project in Dallas by Hatfield Builders & Remodelers, with Professional Remodeler

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