

Kitchen Design: Awkwardly Shaped Kitchen

This awkwardly shaped kitchen is inefficient, with lots of wasted space and not enough storage. Plus, side-door traffic runs right through the work area.

Home Improvement Spending Slowly Improves

Americans aren’t spending for home improvement rapidly enough, writes personal finance reporter for MarketWatch Quentin Fottrell. Data from the…

A light and portable work bench

Centipede Tools released a work station that contractors can bring along with them. It has the same mechanism as a camp chair – unfold the system of…

What’s in a Label?

The Energy Star label helps sell windows, but the criteria used to determine those ratings on that label have changed

Window-Shopping: Efficiency Is the Incentive

As window products get better and better, standards go up. Count on some homeowners to know about it

Is It Your Money? The 'Percent Complete' Method to Track Revenue

For longer projects, percent-complete accounting is the best way to track revenue and gross profit

Cost to Complete: Protect Your Remodeling Business’ Gross Profit

Protect gross profit by regularly comparing estimated to actual costs, line by line

Legal: Copyright Your Construction Plans

In case you weren’t sure if there is such thing as copyright infringement on a set of construction plans, we’ll set the record straight: it exists.…

Energy Efficiency Doesn’t Pay? Not So Fast

Remodeling experts respond to a study claiming that weatherizing a home costs more than it saves

Kitchen: 5 Reasons Induction Cooktops Are Better than Gas [Video]

Texas-based contractor Matt Risinger prefers to install induction cooktops in his clients’ kitchens rather than gas cooktops. “I installed my first…
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