

Personnel: Empower Your Employees

Being the boss is hard work, but there are ways to alleviate the stress and chaos that come with making tough decisions. Getting employees to…

Marketing: Online Consumer Reviews Matter

Another reason to manage your online profile: Nearly 8 in 10 American adults read consumers reviews before buying

Technology: Robots Deliver Holiday Cheer

Cyber Monday is likely to find online retailers awash with orders for merchandise that will be delivered in the next few days. Online giant Amazon…

Building Science: Tailor Made

It's much easier to insulate existing masonry buildings from the inside than the outside. But, depending on the climate, you may have to compensate…

Management: Employee Engagement

Empowering your employees is the most effective way to ensure quality work. Micromanaging has the opposite effect. Learn three ways to relinquish…

Productivity: Work Simply

Everyone has their own productivity style, but the most efficient individuals all have one thing in common: a personal system. An author and founder…

Personnel: What’s With the Trade Shortage?

Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, shares his perspective on the future of the construction labor market and why it’s harder to find skilled workers. 

Design: Can You Spot the Computer Generated Rooms?

Can the naked eye tell the difference between a photograph and a computer rendering? You won’t believe your eyes, but go ahead and test yourself by…

Kitchen & Bath: Two Granite Corner Repairs

Countertop expert Joe Corlett took a different approach to repair two cantilevered countertop corners, but under different time constraints for both…

Marketing: Cross Architect Off Your Holiday Gift List

Lots of remodelers give gifts during the holidays to valued business partners. But shopping for architects is never easy. Just in time for a Black …
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