

Mark Richardson: Family Dynamic

Looking at your business as a patient helps you make decisions based on its health and well-being.

Craig Durosko: Books that can Improve Your Life and Business

This month, I wanted to review a few good books I’ve read that focus on personal growth as well as your business.

David Lupberger: Business Exit and Transition Planning

It’s easy to look several years down the road and think business exiting and transition planning are not a priority. The common sentiment is that you can do it later. The issue I see with most remodeling contractors is they never start transition planning. As such, they are risking their biggest investment.

Selling Energy Efficiency to Reluctant Americans

Homeowners have done some energy efficiency improvements, but they haven’t seen results in the form of lower energy bills, and so they blame their utility and decide energy-efficient improvements aren’t worth it.

Remodeler's Exchange: Leading Design Solutions

This month, the Remodeler’s Exchange features two remodeling professionals who founded and operate full-service design-build firms. Professional Remodeler’s Tom Swartz spoke with David Adams and current NAHB Remodelers chairman Paul Sullivan about the process they use to guide clients through the design-build process.

Is Your Home ‘Smart’?

Keep an eye on your home at all times with growing smart home technology trends.  

Pinterest: A Marketing Tool

More people are now using Pinterest as a search engine and you should too. 

The Importance of Social Networking

Engaging in personalized social networking is a must for businesses. 

House Flippers and New Homeowners Beware

Some banks are now requiring homeowners to live in their residences during remodeling.  

PowerTips: Selecting The Right Business Model

Do you know the difference between a business and a practice? 

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