

Aaccountability 2.0

No, it's not another bean counting column. At the risk of using an overused word, it's about accountability. We're fortunate to be living and doing business in one of the most technologically advanced nations in the world. And although our industry isn't known for its cutting edge use of technology, it still abounds with examples that make our daily personal and business lives more productive a...

Business for Sale

If your business is one of your nest eggs, you might want to start examining it closely. Because whether you want to retire in two years or twenty, what you do today can go a long way toward what you will get when it's time to sell your business. As the owner of a company that has franchises across the U.

Great Design is Key to Success

The best design/build, full-service, and kitchen and bath remodelers in the country all have one thing in common: they produce great designs and deliver a high quality of construction on a consistent basis. No matter how good your firm is at marketing, sales or project management, your chances of succeeding for any length of time in the remodeling business are much lower if you don't produce qu...

Green Remodeling: The Finishing Touches

Some clients want their remodel built to green standards through and through. They want the result to be energy- and resource-efficient and built with locally available, sustainably harvested renewable resources that are non-toxic.

The Best of the Best Design Award Winners

Professional Remodelers' Best of the Best Award winners showcase the best designs and quality construction in the remodeling industry.

The Best of the Best Design Award Winners - Gold and Silver

Professional Remodelers' Best of the Best Award winners showcase the best designs and quality construction in the remodeling industry. Here are the Gold and Silver Award winners.

Pros and Cons of Showrooms

Showrooms and design centers can put you a step above the rest of the pack and help control your client's expectations.

Trade Secrets

If you have a Trade Secret you would like to share, e-mail Senior Editor Jonathan Sweet at jonathan.sweet@reedbusiness.com.

Join an Association

Joining a professional local and national association can be the start of great things for your company. With all the valuable contacts, classes, forms and staff available to members, you instantly have an edge over the other remodelers and builders who are not members.

Managing the Design Process

Every remodeler takes a different approach to managing the design process. So is it really all that surprising when two similar jobs in two similar markets handled by two different remodelers end up with drastically different profits? Catering to the same type of customer doesn't guarantee ending up with the same type of business success.

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