

Breaking New Ground

Daring to go where few - if any - remodelers have gone before, the individuals and companies on these pages have raised the bar for the remodeling industry and dragged the rest of us, occasionally kicking and screaming, with them.

Bill Asdal

A former vocational education teacher in Parsippany, N.J., Bill Asdal, CGR, has been promoting technical and managerial construction education throughout his professional life.

Dan Bawden

Lots of people read 'Fixing to Stay,' a study of Americans older than 45 that was released by AARP in 2000.

Iris Harrell

Don't compare Harrell Remodeling's 1-year-old employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) to that of United Airlines, Enron or WorldCom.

Shirey Contracting

The roots of green remodeling run deep at 25-year-old Shirey Contracting in Issaquah, Wash., a Seattle suburb.

What to do About Rising Insurance Rates

Anyone who has recently tried to purchase commercial insurance knows that rates have skyrocketed.

Looking Back to Get Ahead

Even successful remodelers should occasionally look back at the same time they're trying to peer into the future.

Award-Winning Tip

Jeffrey Glass, CEO of Construction Concepts Corp. in Stamford, Conn., knows from experience that a great-looking project doesn't necessarily translate into a great photograph.

Phone First

Bill Simone, owner of Custom Design & Construction in Los Angeles, used to spend at least 15 minutes on the telephone going through the fine points of an open position with each job applicant only to find that many callers weren't a fit.

From the Home Office

Trying to make your customer brochure a standout? Why not skip the brochure entirely?

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