

Room to bathe

High-rise remodels pose unique challenges, not the least of which is finding enough room to expand.

Thin Brick Systems Increase Options for Remodelers

Taking an old fairy tale to heart, remodelers using thin brick systems on exterior projects know that those jobs will resist moisture, damage and even the huffing and puffing of Big Bad Wolves.

Remodeling Data Still in Short Supply

The remodeling industry has received a boost from government reporting agencies, but those same agencies continue to be unable to gather information on remodeling spending.

Making Allowances

Allowance amounts can cause serious problems for remodelers.

Forensic Remodeling

Bob White, CGR, has found an interesting way to expand his remodeling business. He frequently performs autopsies--on buildings.

One person?s trash is another person?s...home?

The best homes built and remodeled nowadays are very likely to include a lot of garbage. Or rather, recycled waste.

Green Cabinets Win for Remodeler

The Neil Kelly Co. in Portland, Ore., has taken the lead on being environmentally conscious.

Remodeler Takes Project Management Online

The paperless office might be in the far-off future, but one California remodeler is a step closer to taming the paper tiger.

Freeware links to suppliers

John A. Buttaro spends most of his day in the field, working his projects.

SPC Plans Branding Initiative

The Southern Pine Council will launch a branding initiative that targets building and remodeling professionals.

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