

To Russia, To Observe

The Iron Curtain’s long gone, but capitalism continues to struggle in the former Soviet Union. Not for lack of desire, discovered Alan Derrick, but rather lack of knowledge.

Online Appliances

G.E. Appliances brings the Internet to the kitchen

Women Build Skills--and Houses

Since its inception, Habitat for Humanity's Women Build department has built more than 200 homes in the United States. Now the organization is banking on a new initiative called 'First Ladies Build' to help spread the message.

Online Business Documents

Rob Blodgett has spent a lot of time systematizing his remodeling firm, Blodgett Construction & Home Improvement Co. in Grand Rapids, Mich. As a result, he has created a wealth of business forms. But as a member of Business Networks, he saw others in h...

Rolling Billboards

Creative marketing gives Boardwalk Builders signage that makes an impression all over town.

Business Management

Business Management In the book, 'Building Partnerships: How to Work With Trade Contractors,' Bob Whitten offers this tip to remodelers:...

Amazon.com Expands Selection Beyond Books

If any doubts remain that the remodeling industry and the Internet would connect, they should be wiped away now that Amazon.com, the Internet’s largest retailer of music, books and videos, has begun to sell hardware products.

Project Persistence

Having lived in their 25-year-old Georgian house for three years, Rob and Nancy Harris were convinced that their kitchen needed an overhaul.

Show and Sell

Don Novak knows that exhibiting at home shows can pay off-to the tune of $3 million during the 30-plus years he’s had a booth at a local event.

Cold Weather Work

Using tools during the winter can present a safety hazard. Keep in mind the following tips when working in the cold.

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