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Read The Room

 How one remodeler responded to his client's needs and why that's important


About Face

Why one home improvement leader switched his company’s approach from traditional media to face-to-face marketing


Built to Last

Brick: It exudes warmth, character, staying power. Brick often commands a higher resale value and naturally provides thermal mass, which offers some insulation. Under normal weather conditions, it could see a century or more of use, according to Brick Industry Association estimates. But for all its durability, brick is vulnerable to external factors that can decrease the lifespan of a brick hom...

An efficient escape from the poor house

There once was a time when you thought that if you built the best room addition, remodeled the best bathroom, installed the best windows you would be guaranteed success. But little by little, job by job, you began to realize that it's difficult to get your clients to pay the kind of money you need to have for the quality of work that you do.

Campaign for your Company

To build publicity, one remodeler displayed 30 plastic 'campaign signs' when local elections were being held in his area in November.

The Emotionally Effective Salesperson

A sale is a transfer of feelings. The salesperson successfully transfers certain feelings to the prospect, who is converted into a client when the transfer is completed.

The World Is Full of Talented Poor People

Today's sales process is more casual than the old high-pressure approach.

Punch Up Your Sales Now!

When it comes to remodeling sales, some markets still boom; others are closer to bust.

Punch Up Your Sales Now!

When it comes to remodeling sales, some markets still boom; others are closer to bust.

Punch Up Your Sales Now!

When it comes to remodeling sales, some markets still boom; others are closer to bust.

Prized Strategies

Award-winning remodeling companies differentiate themselves from the competition with creative approaches to marketing

Opportunity of a Lifetime

The senior boom hasn’t hit the market yet, but it’s coming. It’s time to decide what you’re going to do about it.
