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Read The Room

 How one remodeler responded to his client's needs and why that's important


About Face

Why one home improvement leader switched his company’s approach from traditional media to face-to-face marketing


Shape Affects Cost

Unit pricing is an invaluable tool for fast, accurate estimating. But counting units is not the same as estimating. Make sure your estimator knows the difference.

Smart Contract

The contract of the future could be a blockchain-verified digital document with embedded, executable code 

Facebook Update: Algorithm Change Prioritizes Video

Video posters should start paying extra close attention to these three ranking factors

Contract Signatures: How Many Do You Need?

Should you start work on a project if you are missing one of the homeowners’ signatures on the contract? No. Here’s why.

Using Smart Campaigns

An affordable, targeted marketing campaign in minutes

Customer Leadership

How to give remodeling clients what they need, instead of what they want

Death by Discount

A 5% discount couldn’t hurt that much, could it?

Doing It All

In 2018, ResiCap brought in $483 million with a myriad of services including renovating hundreds of homes across dozens of states.

Enter Here

Every client’s experience with a newly renovated space asks a question about how well reality measures up to imagination

Facebook Watch: Lead Gen and Booking

In eight weeks, one company generated 3,000 leads using this new Facebook Messenger feature
