

One Good Worker

Productivity isn’t about how many people are working, It’s about moving and working efficiently and the desire to get things done

For Remodelers, the More Things Change ...

All remodelers face similar problems. How they solve them makes all the difference.

Dear Angie: Say It Ain’t So

How a great relationship began to unravel from neglect

It's Day One: Technology and the Search for a Pro

As an increasing number of small projects come from online referral services, the companies that work that way will reap the benefits of that small job that turns into a much more extensive remodel


Unifying the living spaces of a Long Island vacation home

Located in Westhampton, N.Y., the project involved the complete reconstruction of the five-bedroom, 5,000-sq.-ft. home, including the roof, exterior…

5 keys to being a good salesman by Jerry Jones

In 2008 the Dallas Cowboys were the featured team on HBO’s Hard Knocks. Hard Knocks is the reality documentary series that takes you behind the…

Phone Calls vs. Qualified Phone Calls

Inbound phone calls are generally good quality leads. But make sure you’re not paying for bogus activity you don’t need.


What Matters? Clicks vs. Conversions

As visitors from outside your marketing territory are worthless, clicks for their own sake don’t matter much.


Leads vs. Issued Leads

We all know that not all leads result in sales. So which ones do?


Visitors to Your Web Site vs. Visitors from Within Your Marketing Territory

One of the most common statistics that I see home improvement companies rely on is visitors to their Web site. The thought is “Visits are up! Our Web site must be doing great!”

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