

The Diderot Effect

You probably get work from past customers and referrals without really trying. Imagine what might happen if you leaned into it.

A Singular Flavor

There’s a lack of respect that older generations have for this younger one

Police Apologize After Labeling Roofing Business a Scam

Owner of Easton Roofing says the damage has already been done

Good to Grow

Growth in volume measures growth in transactions, but no one goes into business just to maximize transactions 

West Virginia Contractor Hit With Penalties Over Fall Hazards

A reminder to all contractors of the costs of ignoring safety protocols

Shining A Light

Remodelers we spoke with agreed that opioid addiction is an industry challenge

The Swiss Cheese Model

When we learn from our mistakes, we avoid making the same mistake twice. When we learn from the mistakes of others, we avoid making a mistake in the first place.

An Imaginary Consultant

We don’t question the problems, or if we do, we procrastinate making fixes

Paint by Numbers

To price a painting by the square foot reduces an act of imagination and skill to paint-by-numbers. Take-it-or-leave-it pricing does the same for remodeling.

Finding the North Star

I had no clear, codified personal mission statement to use as a north star

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