

Smart Contract

The contract of the future could be a blockchain-verified digital document with embedded, executable code 

Being A Good Neighbor

There are little touches that can create opportunity for many remodelers 

Enter Here

Every client’s experience with a newly renovated space asks a question about how well reality measures up to imagination

Credit Where It's Due

Remodelers are overlooked when it’s time to dole out kudos for a job well done

First, Do No Harm

Did the homeowners insist on their misguided vision, or were the remodelers simply clueless to the harm they were inflicting?

An Ounce of Prevention

It’s easier to prevent something from happening than it is to repair the damage after the fact

The Wisdom of Forty

We’ve achieved a tipping point around the adoption of these products

Your Call Is Important

When most people call, it’s to talk with a person. Why, then, do automated phone menus offer every option under the sun except that one?


Seeing what we push against is as useful as seeing what we are pushing toward

Why Remodeling?

When times get tough, it helps to remember what’s good about the industry

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