

<h1>Construction Quality</h1><p class="vocab-desc">A compilation of HousingZone's articles, surveys, ideas, trends, and tips on construction quality for residential builders, remodelers, and architects serving the residential construction industry.</p>

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Building Envelope Solutions To Eliminate Thermal Bridging

Contractors must recognize how and where thermal bridging occurs so they can employ methods to eliminate it


Why you should embrace the Hispanic conflict

  Shawn Coyne is a writing partner to Steven Pressfield. Mr. Pressfield wrote The War of Art, the most important book ever written for people that do…

Leadership by the numbers: What’s yours?

  Leadership is a numbers game.    The equation revolves around how many people you can positively impact on a daily basis. That is, how many people…

The feed vs. the hunt

  My son is six years-old.  It’s a fun age.    Witnessing your progeny develop original thoughts on shared topics is a trip. My son is starting to…

Rosetta Stone, relevance, and retention

  Living in a small sliver of the language pie Rosetta Stone enlarged, we owe a debt of gratitude to the public company. Rosetta has been shelling…

OSHA cites 26 contracting firms for violations during storm recovery in New Jersey

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has cited 26 companies for violating safety standards during storm recovery work at towns along New Jersey's shore.

The “knowledge worker” rant

I despise the term Knowledge Worker. Why? Let’s start with the definition of Knowledge Worker and you can judge for yourself. Knowledge workers are…

Be like Mat: Go big

  Comas :: 2 Broken bones :: 21 Surgeries :: 23 Concussions :: 100+ Stitches :: 300+   You don’t become the greatest vertical ramp BMX rider in…

Text Mex: Meet ‘em where they are

Would you ever use Twitter to announce your family dinner is being served? Ridiculous question, right?   Wait. Hold that answer….   The question was…

Confessions of a bilingual construction guy

His candor surprised me. I’ve never had anyone actually admit it. But there it was. In digital ink on the email in my Inbox.   The question that…

The Inverse Golden Rule + 3 CYA tools when working with Hispanics

You know The Golden Rule, right?   He who has the gold makes the rules.     On the jobsite today, there is an inverse to The Golden Rule: He who has…
