

How to Build a Custom Toe-Kick Deflector

An easy way to redirect air from a toe-kick register located under a cabinet

Management: 10 Things Successful People Do To Stay Calm Under Stress

Stress can have deep psychological and physical repercussions, but moderate levels of stress are necessary to spur action. The key in managing stress…

Make Customer Experience Part of Your Product

These days, a pretty portfolio isn’t enough to land the job

Moving From Monologue to Dialogue

In the U.S., 180 million people are using social media. Some of them are your prospective clients. How effective you are at reaching them depends on the social media channels you use and the way you use them.

The Advantage of Having a Steady Flow of Money-Making Work

Find out what type of job makes the most money and focus on creating a steady flow of those kind of jobs, even if they aren't as glamorous as you'd like. The cash flow will provide a buffer for less profitable "glamor" jobs.

Do You Want to Be a Contractor or a Construction Business Owner?

The business models for each have different requirements for systems and staffing, and will also affect your exit strategy options 

Pro's Pick: Seek Compact Thermal Imager

This simple smartphone accessory offers a handy, affordable way to generate thermal images

3 Keys to Problem-Free Lien Waivers

Though it sounds simple, it's easy to get a lien release wrong. To avoid problems, follow these three simple steps

Resisting Change

Change doesn't come easy. But if you want it, you must uncover your conflicting commitments and understand the strength of our immunity to change

Technology: How Much Time Do We Spend Using Our Smartphones?

Think for a minute about how often you check your phone, even just to get the time of day. Now add up the time that all takes. Now double it. You're…
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